Monday, July 30, 2012

sermon notes from sunday morn service

Matt 25:1-13 A)All 10 are of the church not lost people B) Lamp=Word of God C)Oil= Holy Spirit Scripture( Psalm 119:105, and Exodus 30:32 D) Door was shut like days of Noah. 1) Day like any other then all of a sudden 2) Must watch and be ready. we never know when signs from scripture how we know it's close A)Society: Lawless,Immoral,and Corrupt(Romans 1:18-32), Breakdown in Families(Romans 1:26-29, 1Tim3:2), Betrayal of loved ones(John 16:2) Homosexuality(2Tim 3:1-4)Violence abounds(Matt 24:7) Pleasure seekers(2Tim3:1-4), 2Peter 2-3)Food shortages(Rev6:6-8)Computerized numbering system(Rev13:16-18) B) Religion: Hypocrisy and Apostasy( 2 Thess2:3-8, 2Tim 3:1,5) False Doctrine/Perverting Scripture(1Tim 4:1, 1John 4:1-3) Spiritual Deception( 2Tim 3:13, Matt 24:4,5,11) Persecution/Martyred Christians(2 Tim 3:3, Rev6:9-11, 11:7)Gospel Preached around the World( Matt24:14, Rev14:6) False Church/Harlot(Rev17,18) C)Education: Increased knowledge and travel(Dan12:4,2Tim3:7) D)Governement: Wars(Matt24:6) Distress of Nations(Luke21:25) Failure of Peace Conferences( Dan8:25, 1Thess5:3)World Governement with World Leader/man of lawlessness( 2 thess2:34, Rev13:5) E) Israel: Return of Jews as a Nation(Isaiah66:8) F) Earth: Earthquakes(Matt24:7) Pestilences/Plagues( Luke21:11, Rev15;1,6,8,16) Changes in Season(Zech14:68, Joel2:10, Matt24:29)

Friday, July 27, 2012

Hotels exchanging Bible for explicit books

Hotel owner Denby removes the Bible and replaces it with an explicit romance novel here is why? Denby writes on his blog, Slow Life: "Tonight millions of women will be curling up in bed with a good book and you can bet your life it won't be the Bible. More likely than not it will be 'Fifty Shades of Grey.' I haven't read the book yet -- I'm not in the target audience -- but I'm told it's a ripping good yarn and everyone who's in the target audience loves it. This made me wonder about the sense of providing a book, the Gideon Bible which no-one reads, and many dislike, in the bedside cabinet of our hotel bedrooms, instead of a book which everyone wants to read, such as 'Fifty Shades of Grey.' "In this secular age it seems distinctly odd that anyone would expect to find a religious book in a hotel bedroom." The Bible he states "no one reads and many dislike". I would like to argue with him, but I can't many christians and non-christians alike don't read it and many from either spectrum don't like it. Hate to admit it, but its true. I've read stories of homosexual actors that when they stay in hotel rooms rip pages out that are agains homosexuality so others won't read them. I believe the reason for this is because the Bible is God's word that tells us how to live our lives and what is acceptable( obedient to the Lord) and what is not( difining Sin) and people want to do what they want to do and ignore thus sayeth the Lord. It's easier to do this when it is not in a place of constant reminder. What people would rather have is something or someone telling them their behavior is acceptable, even when it is not. Popular opinion so to speak.... This does not work for the God of the Bible. I think this verse sums it up. 1Cor 1:18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God! I believe this applies to not only preaching the cross, but reading about the cross. The Word of God is foolish to those that are perishing and for those that are saved it is the power of God (because it is His Words)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Flesh or Spirit

Romans 8:5 For they that mind the things of the flesh are flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. What is your mind constantly on? Is it on items of the flesh? Things that are temporal, things that are of this world. Is your thoughts always on those things that will pass away. Remember all things of this world are but a vapor, here today and gone tomorrow. We get so bent out of shape over stuff, having stuff, wanting stuff, and keeping stuff. We also get so worried about events, people, sports, work, and other things that take up so much of our time effort and money. What if we put just a fraction of that on things of the Spirit, what if we took some of that time and put it in motion to see soul's saved or into prayer, or into reading and hearing God's word. I think this is partly what is behind the fasting we are doing on Thursdays. To draw us closer and to take us to the next level of devotion. Also to show us how much time we spend on fleshly things. Time that could be spent on building the eternal Kingdom. Kingdom that moth and rust won't corrupt. That will never pass away.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

spoken by Don Cathy of Chick-fil-A In response to a question pertaining to the franchise’s support of the traditional family, Cathy replied “guilty as charged.” The president and chief operating officer continued, “We are very much supportive of the family – the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our wives. We give God thanks for that... we know that it might not be popular with everyone, but thank the Lord, we live in a country where we can share our values and operate on biblical principles." He reiterated his stance on the Ken Coleman radio show the next day. “As it relates to society in general, I think we’re inviting God’s judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and say, ‘We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage. I pray God’s mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude to think we can try to define what marriage is all about,” he explained. Thankful for People and business like these that support Biblical Values. I don't know about you, but I fell like eating Chick-fil-A for supper! there is a national observance of Chick-Fil-A day on Wednesday July 25th and Wednesday Aug 1

Monday, July 23, 2012


Hard to look anywhere without getting someones opinion on our governement. I recognize we in a bad situation with in this country, but I don't let that consume me. I go to the Word of the Lord and find examples when Israel was in bondage by Babylon, Assyria, and Rome. When Jesus.. God himself comes on to the scene Israel and most of the know world is under the authority of Rome. The Roman Empire, the most awful, wicked, pagan, tryrant ran governments that ever bore the name World Power. When Jesus comes on the scene it looks as though He couldn't care less abut it. He seems totally uninterested in whom was is Political Power. He stands before Pilate, before the governement official and says you got no power unless given to you from above.. Meaning God put the Roman government in power to fullfill God's will. Same throughout the Old Testament. God would raise up a Babylon to conquer God's people because they were operating in Sin and lawlessness. God says I set up kingdoms and take down kingdoms.. And here is Jesus smack dab in the middle of a horrible government system ruling over His chosen people. Israel had been crying out for the Messiah to come so He came, but not to fullfill the military or political purpose they wanted. He came and never said one negative word about Rome. But instead had much to say about the current religious system bearing God's name. Didn't endorse one candidate, but spoke openly about getting out of Sin. Wouldn't condemn the paying taxes to Ceasar, but ripped the Pharisees apart over the tithe. Wouldn't raise a voice to Pilate when He had the chance, but spoke about praying to your Father God. I am fascinated how uninterested He was in what was going on in politics, but on fire and raged about what was going on in His Father's house with the money changers. Maybe the answer to our political woes is not in a party or a candidate, but in a Holy God.. If my people which are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray, and turn from their wicked ways. Then I will heal their land. What if we like Jesus got more concerned with Kingdom of All Mighty God's business. Just like the Old Testament it was the people's sin condition that put them into bondage and it was the people's repentance and devotion to all mighty God got them out. I believe that if we get serious about the Kingdom, He will take care of our current political system. I belive we are in this because He is looking for someone to cry out to Him instead of the government or politics. Start looking to Heaven instead of Washington. Maybe all this is to issue in the Messiah again.. The 2nd coming of Christ! Are you ready? We like the Jews are crying out to God for something He already gave. The Jews had the Messiah, but refused to see it because the political situation didn't change. We are crying our for a better political situation and He already gave one called the Kingdom of God.. Where God is King. No Sickness, no death, all are subject to the King who is Perfect. Love your neighbor as yourself. Praise God

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Great services today at church, both morning and night..
this morning the Lord definately moved and had a tremendous presence from Him! I sure love the Lord and what He is doing at Oak Grove! it's amazing to think of how involved God is with our beginning and nothing is random. Before we were ever formed He knew us... Wow. Knew us before we were....

Tonight was very good as well Love youth nights, we have amazing kids that love being in the Lord's House and love being together. thankful for that.

We were missing some that are sick or hurt today. Let us pray for their health this week.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Had a great time at Men's breakfast this morning! Great food and fellowship. bro. Matt Standridge brought a very good devotion over Matt 5:14-16
vs 16
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven.
He asked the question of how does your light shine for God... bright, dim, flickering, or is it out? Encouraging us to make sure no matter if on the mountain top or down in the valley Jesus our light within us must shine bright for all to see HIM!       Amen

Ladies of the church are having there "Night Out" tonight 5:00pm at Italian Gardens

Youth night tomorrow night! having hot dogs and chips afterwards.

See you tomorrow at church in the Morning be prayed up for God to do something Amazing!!!!!!

Friday, July 20, 2012

1st of Many... I hope!

We have been working on this blog for awhile now. The goal is on most days to put scripture and devotion as well as events and announcements on this blog to better keep us informed and connected. We live in a internet age and my hope is to use it for the Lord. I hope I can keep up and that you will take advantage of this site.. Please give me feed back on how it works for us. thanks!
                                                    Bro. Mark Simmons

James 3:4
You ask and recieve not, because you ask amiss, that you may consume your lusts.

If you were at Bible study Wednesday we touched on this.
  James is telling us why we don't recieve from God what we ask in prayer. Jesus said ask anything in my name and it shall be given. But James is telling us something different or is he? He is saying that why you and I don't recieve is because we ask amiss (or we ask wrongly or out of place). He goes on to say we ask not to fulfill God's Will and plan for us, but to consume our own lusts (or to fill our own desires)
  Praying to get our desires gets us in trouble, why? Because  when we pray from our lusts, we pray from our flesh or our sinful nature. James 1:15 Lust has concieved brings forth sin, and sin when it is done brings forth death. So God being soverein and because He loves us refuses to give us the things we ask out of our flesh due to the end result would bring our destruction. This is the necessity of not living in the flesh, but in the Spirit because the spirit will not only be about our asking, but also about having an understanding of God from prayer.
  Of course you could add in John 9:31 Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth.  For God to hear us we must be worshippers understanding.. Who God is and putting Him in proper place in our lives and if He is in proper place other things will be in there place. If we be sinners God does not hear our prayers... except of course of repentance....

Kind puts new meaning on Garth Brooks song " I thank God for unanswered prayers"