Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A good prayer for today

Keep me safe. O God for I have come to your for refuge. I say to the Lord you are my Master! All good things I have are from you. The saints in the earth are my heroes! Those who chase after other gods will be filled with sorrow. I will not take part in their sacrifices or even speak the name of their gods. Lord you alone are my inheritance, my cup of blessing. You guard all that is mine. The places you have given me are pleasant places. I will bless the Lord that guides me even at night He instructs me. I will not be shaken for He is right beside me. No wonder my heart is filled with joy and my mouth shouts praises. My body rests in safety. Psalm 16 NLT what a wonderful reminder of the God we serve and how to approach Him in prayer. We can put our complete trust in Him, for he is our safe place and if He is our God there is no sorrow, but joy because He is our reward. It is God alone that we should seek instruction from not from any other source even our own thinking. For that we should praise Him.( and many other reasons too)